BizFed Central Valley Launches “My Job Depends On Oil” Advocacy Effort

BizFed Central Valley Launches “My Job Depends On Oil” Advocacy Effort

BizFed Central Valley Launches “My Job Depends On Oil” Advocacy Effort

 BizFed Central Valley will launch “My Job Depends On Oil,” a public awareness campaign designed to fight for jobs locally, regionally and throughout the state leaving hundreds of thousands of Californians to navigate feelings of massive job insecurity.

 Nearly 366,000 jobs in California are supported by the oil and gas industry, which paid out $226 billion in wages. More than $152 billion in total economic output was added to the California economy in 2017, and $21.6 billion in tax revenue helped fund essential services like schools, roads and public safety.

 Despite these obvious benefits, many state policymakers have waged a war on the industry, threatening the livelihoods of so many honest, hard-working Californians. This has led to rolling blackouts in the summer, surging gas prices and an increasing reliance upon foreign oil produced by regimes lacking the humanitarian and environmental standards of California-based producers. 

 “It’s impossible to overstate the importance of the oil and gas industry in the Central Valley and California,” BizFed Central Valley CEO Clint Olivier said. “California could be a leader in environmentally-safe and humanitarian oil and gas production, but it has unfortunately chosen another route. Worse yet, the state has done so without any realistic plan for a just transition, leaving hundreds of thousands of hard-working Californians feeling massive job insecurity.”

 The campaign mirrors the very successful My Job Depends on Ag campaign, started by Steve Malanca in 2016. Malanca will be on hand for the launch, and will be joining many local elected officials and industry leaders.

Industry workers, advocates and allies will be encouraged to purchase My Job Depends on Oil stickers for display on their vehicles. The proceeds will go towards advocacy efforts.

 For additional background, please visit:

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